Our CodeCheckGS app was developed to simplify validation for barcode standards. We currently support the following standards for barcode scanning: GS1, HIBC, IFA and ANSI. The affordable annual subscription offers the following features...
- Validation of GS1 barcodes to specification
- Checking HIBC primary and secondary codes
- Verification of IFA barcodes pharmacy
- Decode ANSI MH10.8.2 barcodes
- Library of GS1 and ANSI identifiers
- Evaluation and reporting with email sharing
- Scan archive with access to previous scans
- Decode images with barcodes
Start Screen
Access to the scanner functions can be found in the start screen. For data validation, there are scanner functions for each specification against the validation is processed.

In addition to validating the barcodes, there is also the library for GS1 and ANSI specifications. Here you have an overview of all information about the data identifiers.

For permanent access to the previous barcode scans, we have access to a scan archive and of course normal barcodes can also be scanned.

All functions are explained in detail in the help and also the decoding of barcodes into images. Without a subscription, only a normal barcode scanner is available. Although this also shows special characters in the barcode, there is no further check of barcodes.

Detecting Barcodes
We use two different scan enginesto recognize the barcodes:
- Recognition by pattern recognition of pixels
- Apple Machine Learning Algorithms
Both versions have their advantages. The first version works quite fast and also decodes control characters completely, but works with a somewhat poorer barcode recognition rate.
The second version recognizes more barcodes and works very quickly, but requires a high processor capacity at the expense of the battery. Older iPhones or iPads may be too slow for this. In addition, a leading FNC1 control character is ignored, which is a problem with GS1 barcodes. Therefore, there are both variants to choose from, especially for GS1 barcodes. The use of the second engine can be deactivated in the Apple settings for the app.